Log Into WordPress By Touch or Face ID Via the Passwordless WP Plugin – WordPress Tavern


Last week, WP Busters released its first plugin titled Passwordless WP. It is a project from full-stack developer Ilya Zolotov that allows end-users to log into their WordPress websites via Touch ID, Face ID, or pin. The goal is to make accessing a site easier and more secure.

Zolotov built the plugin after checking his email on a public database and finding old passwords. He said he now uses a safe browser for work purposes without extensions and scripts. He also said the millions of credentials stolen or compromised every year was a motivator for building the plugin.

“I like…

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Why WordPress admin notices matter (and how to manage them effectively)


Every time you log into the WordPress dashboard, you are probably greeted with a few message at the top of your screen. These messages are called WordPress admin notices. Contrary to what many WordPress users might think – that they’re an annoyance without an ‘off’ switch – they can be incredibly useful. At least, that is if you know how to manage them effectively.

If you’ve got a handle on WordPress admin notices, this usually means you’re organized when it comes to your website. This includes tasks such as components that need updating, dealing with errors, and even…

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WordPress: A Platform for Successful SEO


There is no sense in launching an online project if it cannot worthily engage in competition in its dedicated niche. Therefore, digital promotion is one of the key things to consider when creating an online product. If you want to get a good position in the search engine rankings, then you need to take the SEO side of the project seriously.

Fortunately, using WordPress gives you an edge as this CMS takes care of the basic SEO optimization from the outset. This is one of the many other reasons why many project managers, site owners,…

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WordPress Contributors Discuss Launching an Official Block Pattern Directory – WordPress Tavern


Block patterns were one of the most exciting and transformative features introduced in WordPress. 5.5, giving users a giant head start on building pages by allowing them to insert sets of pre-designed blocks. Core now includes a handful of default patterns available in the block inserter but contributors are exploring the idea of expanding this small selection into a full-blown pattern directory.

Alex Shiels opened a discussion on make.wordpress.org to get feedback on how it might be implemented. He suggested that the pattern directory would be similar to the block directory, minus…

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Stockholm WordPress Theme Receives Massive New Update


Stockholm WordPress theme

Stockholm WordPress theme

Now, more than 27.000 Stockholm users will be able to choose between two of the most popular website page builders – WPBakery and Elementor.

The Stockholm WordPress theme, known for its distinctly clean and minimalist aesthetic, has received a significant new update, adding 74 brand new demo sites to its collection….

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20 Free Tutorials to Learn WordPress


WordPress is a free content management system to power a simple blog, complex website, or online store. WordPress also supports an active development community that provides instructional tutorials for users at all levels.

Here is a list of free tutorials to learn WordPress. There are tutorials to get started quickly, comprehensive guides to master WordPress, and advanced articles on specific topics, such as launching an ecommerce site, developing themes and plugins, optimizing a website, and managing multiple sites from one installation.

Free Tutorials to Learn…

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Dragging and Dropping Meta Boxes Might Not Be So Simple in WordPress 5.6 – WordPress Tavern


If you have been testing the latest development version of WordPress in the past week or so, you may have noticed that the ability to drag and drop meta boxes seemingly disappeared. This is not a bug. Nine days ago, lead developer Andrew Ozz committed a change that requires end-users to click the “screen options” tab to expose the ability to rearrange meta boxes.

Ozz opened the original ticket and has spearheaded the effort to change how users interact with meta boxes. The issue he would like to solve stems from a change in WordPress 5.5. WordPress’s last major release

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WordPress Plugin to Boost Copyright Protection by Timestamping Content on the EOSIO Blockchain


Upon setting up a plugin dubbed WordProof Timestamp, WordPress users will be able to store and encode their content on the EOSIO blockchain. As a result, the open-source blockchain platform will guarantee any WordPress website copyright protection and transparency.

Blockchain certificate pop-up

Timestamping is a sequence of encoded information or characters, which shows when a given event happened. Once the content is timestamped, a universal and unique fingerprint or hash for all media files, pages, and posts will be generated. In a case scenario where the content changes, the hash is also…

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10 Things to Consider When Building a WordPress Blog


The advent of WordPress has revolutionized the way people build websites. Whether you’re an amateur blogger or a business owner, you can build awesome looking and high-performing websites using WordPress. It lets you create stunning websites and blogs in just a few clicks.

Even if you’re a novice, it won’t take you too long to get a hang of the platform. The best part is that you get access to a treasure trove of plugins to add useful features and improve your website’s functionality.

You can also choose from a diverse array of eye-catching themes to make your website visually…

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Loginizer WordPress Vulnerability Affects +1 Million Sites


WordPress Loginizer Plugin has issued a security patch for a vulnerability that could allow a hacker to modify a database through an Unauthenticated SQL Injection exploit.

This kind of exploit, also known as a Blind SQL Injection, relies on entering data into an input in order to trigger an error response. In this case the input is a username.

The Loginizer WordPress plugin didn’t have a way to sanitize the input, which means it didn’t have a way to compensate for an erroneous input. This caused the plugin to create an error situation.

According to the WPScan description of the Loginizer…

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